Aryaman · I wasn't

CS 213

Lecture 8

Some notes: the programs/algorithms given in the slides aren’t necessarily the best. We could be expected to find an algorithm better than the one given, during the exams.
Today, we learn hash tables.

Need: Storage and retrieval.
Before we go on, a question.

Q. How many distinct variable names can you create in C++?
Are there any limitations in the length of a variable name?
If we put a cap on that, of say, 100 characters, it’s a very big number. ~ \(53\cdot63^{99}\).

Thus, the population is quite big.
In practicality, we will work with a smaller set.

Hash function

A hash function \(h\) takes a value and returns an integer, called index. That is, \(h(\operatorname{key}) = \operatorname{index}\).
This integer index is in some range \([0, \max]\).

Example of hash function

Let \(p\) be a prime. Then, \(\max = p - 1\).
Assume any \(\operatorname{key}\) is an integer. Then \(h(\operatorname{key}) = \operatorname{key} \mod p\) is a hash function.
Note that is possible (in this case, it’s definitely happening) that two different keys go to the same index → called a collision.


In general, a hash function should have the two properties:

  1. Easily computable. No matter the size of the key.
  2. The output should distribute uniformly over the space (Previously,\([0, p-1]\)).

Suppose number of keys ~ 10,000
Then, choose a prime around 1000.
We shouldn’t get more than 10 values (indices) corresponding to the same key. (In uniform distribution, it should happen.)

  1. Store in hash table
  2. Retrieve a key

Our aim is that even for a big set of values, we should get uniformly distributed values. → hopefully no bias, that is, many values shouldn’t clutter in just one key but spread out equally

We want \(h(\operatorname{key)} \equiv O(1)\).

In linked lists, searching is \(O(n)\) in worst case. Have to go through all. Even if ordered, we don’t know the middle pointer.

We don’t want any bias, that is, the value should be reasonably independent of the key entered.

Hash table

An array of headers.
Each header will have an int n and a list *. The n will keep track of how many collides have happened corresponding to that key.
The list pointer will point to a linked list having the values corresponding to that.

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CS 213