Aryaman · I wasn't


Shouts into the void


It's never enough

I am sometimes asked why I upload solutions and stuff, even for courses I’m not a TA for. I don’t have to do that, even for the course I am a TA for. Well, it’s because I find it nice. I sometimes get appreciated for it, which I like. But... [Read More]
Tags: rant

Corona - 6


11:29 PM 22nd March So I guess I just skipped posting the last two days. Been less motivated at home for some reason. Almost did chapter two of category theory. Was an internet friend’s birthday yesterday. Surprised him by having a conference call. Kaafi wholesome. :) [Read More]
Tags: corona

Corona - 5

Wholesomeposting and Flying

10:02 PM 19th March Waiting in airport right now. Meals today were a joke, lol. Canteen was supposed to be open but the one time I went to check, the entry itself was completely locked. The entry is via the common room. Didn’t bother checking again. My “lunch” was some... [Read More]
Tags: corona

Corona - 4


5:46 PM 18th March Had breakfast and lunch. Have booked ticket for tomorrow (19/03/2020) night to go back. Procrastinating and dreading packing, ugh. Also, the mess selection of foods has gone down. No more bournvita-milk in the mess. I feel sad. :( [Read More]
Tags: corona

Corona - 3

The Kick

2:26 PM 17th March Day so far: had breakfast in the morning despite sleeping at like, 3:30 AM. Proud. Then, took a nap. Then, had lunch. Proud (2). Pretty much all I did so far. Maybe not so proud after all. Also, we got an email saying that we’ll have... [Read More]
Tags: corona

Corona - 1

It begins

So, our institute declared holidays until 29th March. Many have gone home. I chose to stay at the institute. From the looks of it, I might be in total isolation from IRL human contact for the next two weeks other than the strangers in the mess. Curious to see how... [Read More]
Tags: corona

Second post!

An update

Looks like I was extremely lazy about blog posts. The first one was 9 months (hehe) back. Originally, I had thought that the main matter of my website would be math blog posts. Boy, was I wrong. However, I am quite happy with the way this all turned out. The... [Read More]

First post!

Hello, so this is my first blog post on my website. I guess I’ll make some math related blog posts in the future. [Read More]