Aryaman · I wasn't

About me

Aryaman Maithani


Hello! My name is Aryaman Maithani.
I am currently a PhD student at the Department of Mathematics, University of Utah.
I was an undergrad at the Department of Mathematics, IIT Bombay where I received a bachelor’s with honors in mathematics.

Here is a list of some things I find interesting.

Other online activities

I am somewhat active on MathStackexchange.

profile for Aryaman Maithani at Mathematics Stack Exchange, Q&A for people studying math at any level and professionals in related fields

Here is a list of questions I’ve found interesting.

I also enjoy solving problems on Project Euler.

flair for Aryaman Maithani at Project Euler, A website dedicated to the fascinating world of mathematics and programming.


Picture credits

The picture displayed on this page was taken by Pari Vermani.