Aryaman · I wasn't

CS 213

Lecture 5

Topics for next 4 lectures

  • Strings in C++ problems, solving with strings
  • Divide and conquer algorithms design, analysis + examples
  • Linked list data structure, problems for illustration
    Create out own implementation, analysis
  • Hash table organisation, applications, analysis

Somewhere in between → tutorial and quiz (post dinner some day, Wed/Friday)

Strings in C++

Many important stuff happen in text.
WhatsApp, reviews of restaurants, et cetera

Given a passage, tell the theme of the passage.
Passage → Important words (using some frequency analysis probably) → Top ten words → give a title

What is a string?

(Definition should be independent of programming language)
Alphabet \(\Sigma\) → (finite) set of symbols
String over \(\Sigma\): Empty string \(\epsilon\) → length 0
\(\Sigma^* = \Sigma \cup \Sigma^1 \cup \Sigma^2 \cup ...\)

Assume \(|\Sigma| = 100\).
Then, the set of words of length \(\le 100\) has cardinality \(1 + 100 + \cdots + 100^{100} = (100^{101} - 1)/99\)

Q. What is the largest string length in (standard) C++? Experiment.


include <string>  
using namespace std;  
string s1, s2;

s1, s2 → empty strings, can check it using:
s1.length() returns length of the string
In general, we can do stringboject.method().

Can use == and !=; e.g., s1 == s2 will return true if they’re both empty. (Like at the time of initialisation.)

Can make arrays also. string name[100], thus it’s a proper data type.
Can use + for concatenation.

Search or find → strings can be accessed as if an array of characters.

Given a path, how many directories? Count the number of non-contiguous colons.
Can also ask what the deepest directory is.

$ cat $PATH displays the content on the screen. Example - cat randinp

Question: Take last 100 emails.
How many people have written to you?
The dates and times.

Divide and conquer

Binary search: \(T(n) = T(n/2) + 3\)

In general, we may divide the problem into \(a\) parts, each of size \(n/b\). (\(b = a\) is not necessary, maybe not disjoint.)
Then, \(T(n) = aT(n/b) + g(n).\)
(In the case of binary sort, we didn’t have to analyse both parts.)

\[T(n) = a(aT(n/b^2) + g(n/b)) + g(n) = a^2T(n/b^2) + a g(n/b) + g(n) = ...\]

If \(g(n)\) is polynomial, say \(n^d\), then we know the complexity \(T(n)\) as a function of \(n\). (Master’s Theorem)

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CS 213