Aryaman · I wasn't

Corona - 5

Wholesomeposting and Flying

10:02 PM 19th March

Waiting in airport right now. Meals today were a joke, lol. Canteen was supposed to be open but the one time I went to check, the entry itself was completely locked. The entry is via the common room. Didn’t bother checking again.
My “lunch” was some packets of chips with biscuits. “Dinner” was at 6 PM at Gulmohar. Had a lot. Felt more full than I had felt in the past few, uh, well, some long period of time.

Other than that, most of the day was spent in packing and wasting time while packing. I did finally get around to posting my saga of wholesome posts I used to post on Instagram. Maybe I’ll add them on this website someday. Adding the wholesome posts was quite nice. Some people who used to see those before responded and some new ones as well. All this felt… quite nice. Making some ε > 0 impact. Nice.

Also, the walk to Gulmohar was the first time I stepped out of my hostel ever since the shut down was announced, on 14th March. 5 days. Not sure if a lot. Did feel substantial. I’m not sure if I was just being more observant than usual but the institute did feel… silent. It did feel quite eerie.

1:38 AM 20th March

Reached Bangalore. On my way back home. Seat next to me on the flight was empty. Never happened before. Interesting. The airport taxi driver is also sad how there are such few people travelling these days. :(

2:17 AM 20th March

Reached home. Nice. Fin.

Tags: corona
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