Aryaman · I wasn't

Second post!

An update

Looks like I was extremely lazy about blog posts.
The first one was 9 months (hehe) back. Originally, I had thought that the main matter of my website would be math blog posts.
Boy, was I wrong. However, I am quite happy with the way this all turned out. The website has reached out to more people than I expected. Nice.

There have also been many times during these last nine months when I’ve thought about posting some thoughts going on in my mind. However, I never found the time to sit down and articulate them. Right, that’s one more thing about these blog posts, I do not have the writing skills to make “legitimate” blog posts. So, they’ll mostly just come across as ramblings. Not even sure how many will read these. Interesting.

The reason I have been able to write this right now is because of the whole Corona virus emergency. Due to this, I have some free time. I think I shall write a post everyday during this emergency period until 29th March.

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